Summer 2022

Sep 18, 2022

This is a now page. I post one every month, and you should too. It’s the best way to connect with people you don’t talk to often. You can read them all here.

Mostly, I spent my time building a robot.

The boys and their robot
The boys and their robot

Upper Black Dyke

One of my favourite routes; I repeat it yearly.
One of my favourite routes; I repeat it yearly.

Hitchiking with Tobias

During a short break before the start of school, Tobias and I were set to ski but bad weather left us scrambling for plans. We decided to leave in the morning with overnight gear and see how far we could hitchhike. In the end we travelled almost 800 kilometres thanks to rides from ten of the most interesting people I’ve ever met.

Johnny B., a total sweetheart. He uses a bear hide as a seat cover
Johnny B., a total sweetheart. He uses a bear hide as a seat cover
Our route
Our route
We camped overnight in Marble Canyon where we met a group of British exchange students travelling around BC.
We camped overnight in Marble Canyon where we met a group of British exchange students travelling around BC.
Lytton, where Peter lives, burned to the ground in 2021. His house was one of the few to be spared.
Lytton, where Peter lives, burned to the ground in 2021. His house was one of the few to be spared.

Paddling in Widgeon Slough

Widowmaker Arete

A truly epic day. Lukas and I attempted the route last year in 38°C heat but turned around 12km into the approach. I’m glad we did because it proved to be longer, harder, and way more scary than anticipated, featuring my second scariest lead ever—an unprotected offwidth to a dirty, runout slab on my skinny alpine rope.

From the top, 4 hours of snow slogging lead us back to the Grouse chalet where we begged the lift attendant to let us on the last ride of the night, only to realize that the gate to where we parked was locked.

Surf’s Up

22 hours of driving for a single glorious route.

Juan de Fuca Trail

Wedgemont Lake and Mount Cook


Wrapped up the summer with a visit to my Dad’s place in Kaslo.

The best picture(s) I've ever taken. The foreground was taken in-position just after sunset while the stars are a 10-exposure stack.
The best picture(s) I’ve ever taken. The foreground was taken in-position just after sunset while the stars are a 10-exposure stack.

Updated September 18th, 2022 from Vancouver, British Columbia

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